HELP WANTED – AppFlicks is Hiring!

HELP WANTED – AppFlicks is Hiring!
HELP WANTED – AppFlicks is Hiring!

Open Casting Call for talented & passionate WordPress Programmers, Full-Stack Developers, Entertainment Journalists, Social Media Managers & Affiliate Marketers… 

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Why The Time Is Now

Wish you could go back in time, have the chance to join AmazonFacebookNetflix or TikTok prior to anyone having heard their names before? Are you looking for an exciting, ground-floor opportunity, to develop, contribute & grow an all-new social entertainment network? Here’s your chance. Welcome to AppFlicks, Your Entertainment App Network, a Guide to The Best of Streaming Media!

Who We Are

Parent company Learnami, created AppFlicks, with sub-brands JoulePeppersAuteurX and QuokkaChat. We are a tiny company, headquartered in Singapore, with very BIG ideas. Our Chief Auteur, Ron Vining, self-funded this labor of love… A “start-up” of sorts, created simply to share the joys of all-things streaming entertainment with like-minded fans.

What We Seek

Passionate individuals who exhibit requisite drive, commitment & skills to accomplish assigned goals, tasks and objectives. Applicants who meet job qualifications may be granted the opportunity to interview and if hired, join us, as we embark on creating a new type of social community experience around streaming entertainment.

Where To Join Us In Our Work

While our HQ is located in Singapore, our diverse teams are stationed across the globe. Anywhere, your secure, reliable device, free of malware & pirated software, paired to a consistent and stable connection to the Internet, is where you would work from to enhance our platform.

When to Apply

Right Now! Read below, for all the details…

Immediate Vacancies

We are currently seeking project-based, Full-Time, Back-End WordPress Programmers & Full-Time or Freelance Full-Stack Developers to create the custom functions, marked as “Coming Soon” across our site, to expand AppFlicks user experience.

• Advanced Front & Back-End WordPress Developer – Spicy Priority!

• Full-Stack Developer – Hot Priority!

We are also open to outsourcing – contracting with the right Software Development & Web Programming Agency to handle our Full-Stack Development, WordPress Maintenance & Programming requirements. Submit your proposal, below.

Additional Roles

Freelance Entertainment Journalists to write exclusive entertainment articles and contract work ranging from Content Creators, Video Editors, Media Producers and Business Development – minded individuals to spearhead our sales, affiliate sponsor & partnership programs, basically:

• Social Community Manager – Cold Priority!

• Entertainment Journalist / Reporter – Warm Priority

• Content / Reviews Writer – Hot Priority!

• Film, Music & Game Producers – Cold Priority!

• Video Creator / Editor – Warm Priority!

• Business / Partnership Development – Icy Priority!

AppFlicks is an equal opportunity employer, seeking diverse, passionate and highly talented individuals from across the globe, regardless of their demographic, education or employment history. 

What does this mean? AppFlicks founder is an entrepreneur, who understands that real-world experiences, hyper-creativity and street-smart determination, trump traditional, hierarchical career channels. 

We truly view, “employment” not in the traditional sense, but as a give-and-take, symbiotic relationship. We are more concerned about why you want to work for AppFlicks (ie: what’s in it for you) and what value you will deliver for AppFlicks (ie: what’s in it for us). 

How To Apply

If interested in any of the above roles, please *submit, in confidence, a brief Cover Letter/Personal Statement (Who you are, Which role you are seeking, Why you are applying and What unique skills you possess), your CV/Resume or equivalent, along with Samples of your very best work, Three References (Individuals who can attest to your skills), Employment Preference (Freelance, Part-Time, Full-Time), Work Hours and Salary Expectation in $SGD (Singapore dollars).

If you do not have a “traditional” background, that’s cool too. Send us whatever you believe demonstrates why you are appropriate for the role, that will get our attention.

All information requested above, MUST be included with your submission. Please attach your CV or equivalent, then provide all other details requested above within the Message / Comments section of the Application Form. If your submission is incomplete, your CV will NOT be reviewed and you will NOT be considered.

Submit your Application Form, HERE!

Interested applicants may also consider registering as an AppFlickerJoulePepper or AuteurX member to better understand how AppFlicks works, prior to submitting their credentials. If you do not have a “traditional” background, that’s cool too. Send us whatever you believe demonstrates why you are appropriate for the role, that will get our attention. 

For our EOE Statement and more details about working for AppFlicks, please view the Careers page.

*Your voluntary submission, confirms your acceptance of AppFlicks Privacy Policy as it relates to the receipt, storage, use and deletion of your personal data.

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