Forums: JouleStream
The Streaming Wars turn Spicy!
Premium & Free Gaming, Music & Video: Films, Series, Live TV, News, Sports Streaming Apps on devices of all shapes & sizes, compete for your dwindling dollars…


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88% Spicy
Reviews: JouleSpark
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Buzz: CineTaste
Tasty curated streaming App industry News, Gossip & Trailers!
The latest industry reporting, editorial and previews about all-things streaming to your favorite devices.
Reviews: JoulePeppers
Spicy community Reviews of streaming App Games, Music, Films & Series!
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The JoulePeppers: CineJoule
Icy or Spicy? AppFlickers have Power to Rank ALL AppFlicks content!
Rate or “Like” your Favorite streaming Video: Film & TV series, Music or Gaming titles with a simple Click on every Spicy 5-point, JoulePepper, heat scale you see.
Studio: CineGarde
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Popular: CineTaste
Tasty curated streaming App Music, TV Series, Movie & Gaming News!
The latest entertainment media news about all-things streaming from your favorite platforms.
IcyOrSpicy: CineJoule
Coming Attractions – Play the addictive IcyOrSpicy game!
Rate your favorite Music, Film, TV or Gaming titles with a simple left or right JouleSwipe, then watch The JouleGage ScorcherScale heat up!
Best Of: CineJoule
Spicy Discussions, Opinions, Surveys and Ratings of Streaming Content, Apps & Devices!
Vote in authentic, AppFlicker member-verified JoulePolls, JouleStream Forums, JouleView Reviews based on our 5-point Heat Scale.
MarketPlace: CineBugle
Coming Attractions – Zesty treats await in our concession stand from Training & Messenger to AppFlicks Sign-In benefits!
Become a filmmaker with Learnami Masterclass, talk with your friends via QuokkaChat & log into your favorite streaming platform to engage with your content.
Browse: CineYardSale
Coming Attractions – Savory finds can be found in our parking lot from Antiques, Collectibles & Memorabilia to Domain Names!
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ScorcherScale: CineJoule
Coming Attractions – Watch the JouleGauge ScorcherScale heat up!
Fiery AppFlicker member-verified JoulePeppers ratings are tallied-up, into a “Best Of” ranking all AppFlicks CineTaste, CineJoule & CineGarde content.
Forums: CineJoule
Spicy Threaded Discussions about Streaming Apps, Programs & Subscriptions!
Discussions about streaming App Providers, Programming Content & Subscription Plans across our JouleStream Forums, Rated by our 5-point Heat Scale.
Compare: CineTaste
Tasty Bundles, Deals & Promo Codes for Streaming Content, Apps, Devices & VPN for safety!
Individual Apps are less than traditional media, however, choosing several becomes costly. Explore our discovery tools, exclusive affiliate links, bundles & codes to save money when subscribing.