Should Disney+ Subscription ALSO include “Premium” Content, ie: Mulan?
As a D23 Member, I pre-ordered my Disney+ subscription for 3 years… Why? Well, I’m certainly an old-school Disney Animation fan, not to mention deep cuts such as 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Tron, The Black Hole and The Rocketeer. Add in big draw studios such as Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm and the slow trickle of 20th Century Fox titles and I’m all-in…
That said, I am not a fan of Mulan premiering on Disney+ for US$29.99. Because, if successful, it will set a very bad precedent. In what way, you might ask? Well… let’s face facts, “The Mouse” is having a bit of trouble with its Parks & Resorts GBU, to no fault of their own. Should the economy not reopen as planned, what if original D+ content, such as Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season 2 or the long delayed Marvel series, say, Falcon & The Winter Solider, instead of being included with you subscription, premiere for say $1.99 per episode, or maybe $11.99 for the season or, oh gosh, $19.99 for the season.
What will consumers do? What if Netflix, HBOMax, Peacock, Tubi and others follow? If you use AppleTV+ or Amazon Prime Video, subscribers are always enticed to rent or buy titles that are not currently included on the platform. Should the trend that The Walt Disney Company is potentially setting, continue… How will these streaming services be any different than iTunes or Pay-Per-View TV? They won’t, with the exception of the entry fee one paid for the right to purchase these add-ons, not included in your annual or monthly subscription.
While I may be dating myself, I remember the good old days of being a paid member of Blockbuster, then switching to RedBox and later Netflix, back when they used to mail out their DVDs…
I have a suspicion that Disney CEO, Bob Chapek, will soon return to his tried and true “Disney Vault” strategy that in order for one to watch both old and new titles… your subscription will only be the gateway to pay more, for less content than you initially signed-up for. My suggestion? Don’t sell those DVDs and Blu-rays just yet. Physical media at least, is something they can’t take away… Though they are trying, due to very few studios and manufacturers producing media and players anymore. I’ll save that topic for another JouleStream forum.
So, what do you think about Mulan going to Disney Plu$? Is this a good thing or a bad $ign of the way the $treaming $ervices are out to get us in the long run? Do you have Disney+? Did you pay the extra the Premiere Access or did you wait until December to view it with your subscription?
Look forward to your JoulePepper rating of my topic and let me know your comments in the JouleStream, below…
I look forward to your JoulePepper rating of my JouleView about “Should Disney+ Subscription ALSO include “Premium” Content, ie: Mulan?” and I’d love to read your comments in the JouleStream section, below. Let’s make it a discussion! Based on what I shared above, I give Disney’s Premier Access Concept a, 1 out of 5 JoulePeppers – it’s Icy!
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