Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (2019), on Apple Arcade, Android & most consoles

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (2019), on Apple Arcade, Android & most consoles

100% Spicy

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Synopsis: “Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is an RPG video game series, based on an earlier comic book series, and with a subsequent new comic book series, all based on the fictional universe of Star Wars by George Lucas”

Studio: BioWare, Obsidian Entertainment, Aspyr Media

Streamer: Apple Arcade, Android & most consoles such as XBox and Sony Playstation

Release Date: October 22, 2019

Format: Online

Genre: Action role-playing, Massively multiplayer online role-playing

Gameplay: Online

Campaign: 50 of levels, 29 Hours to complete

Producer: Ryan Treadwell

Cast: Revan, Jedi Exile, Canderous Ordo, T3-M4, HK-47, Carth Onasi, Mission Vao, Zaalbar, Bastila Shan, Juhani, Jolee Bindo


Review: Coming Soon!

Have you played Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic before? What did you think about the game, its overall production, gameplay, difficulty, plot, casting, soundtrack and cinematography?

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I look forward to your JoulePepper rating of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and I would love to read your comments in the JouleView section, below. Based on the above, I give this game 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 JoulePeppers – it’s Icy, Cold, Warm, Hot, Spicy! You’ll have to wait to see…

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