COMING SOON! Be the first to offer your JouleView Review, comment below…
Synopsis: “The band’s hot selling, self-titled debut, produced by Stryper’s Michael Sweet, was released globally on Frontiers Records.”
Label: Frontiers Music Srl, Melodic Frontier (Japan), Locomotive Records, Warner / Ryko (USA)
Streamer: Coming Soon to AppFlicks Music!
Release Date: 2007
Format: Album
Genre: Rock
Runtime: 37minutes
Track List:
- Without Your Love
- Someday
- Here In My Heart
- Destiny
- Forever
- Loveless
- Don’t Leave Me Lonely
- Heaven Tonight
- Cinderella
- Feel The Fire
- Is It Love
Bonus Tracks:
- “Forever (Piano Version)” Bonus for Japan
- “Never Alone” Bonus for MelodicRock.com
Expanded “Need More Action” Edition:
- All of the above, plus
- Never Alone (Alternate Version)
- Forever (Forever Version)
- Someday (More Keys)
- Feel The Fire (Alternate Version)
- Here In My Heart (Alternate Version)
- A few surprises…
- Coming in 2022, exclusively via AppFlicks Music
Executive Producer: Ron Vining
Producer: Tony Ricci, Michael Sweet & Kenny Lewis
Artists: David “Chip” Ramos, Jack Marques, Chris Sutherland, Ruben DeMello, Chris Longo and Mark Duane
Review: Coming Soon!
Have you listened to the Action self titled debut before? What did you think about this album, its production, band performance, mix, the song writing, selection and overall sound?
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I look forward to your JoulePepper rating of Action: Action and I would love to read your comments in the JouleView section, below. Based on the above, I give this album 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 JoulePeppers – it’s Icy, Cold, Warm, Hot, Spicy! You’ll have to wait to see…
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